People experience losses at all ages, but older adults often face more loss as their friends and loved ones get older.
The seven books in the Chronicles of Narnia series might be written as children's books, but seniors can find many life lessons in these books from C.S. Lewis.
Seniors can enjoy a variety of activities in and near Colorado Springs to keep life fun. Consider these options when you want to get out and explore.
Not only are they delicious, but they also pack lots of nutrients beneficial for seniors. Learn more about incorporating seeds and nuts into your healthy diet.
How can you give gifts your loved ones will appreciate while sticking to your budget of $10 or less per person? Here are five helpful gift ideas
Mobile apps make life more enjoyable and convenient, and mobile checking apps can be particularly handy when you want to keep track of your money.
Although many people prefer natural remedies to prescription and over-the-counter medications, it's tough to know which remedies work and which don't.
The temperatures might start to drop, but you can still enjoy lots of outdoor fall activities. With lots of options, you can find a way to enjoy nature
In his sermon on the mount, Jesus tells the multitude, "Don't think that I came to abolish the Law or the prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill."
Music is one of the few things that all humans share. It follows you through life, from teenage joyrides to weddings; it's there in every big moment.
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